
Damn it's cold

Snow systems and bitter cold temperatures have caused us to move the workouts indoors for the past 4 days except for Monday when Tony and I ran a 5k outside in blizzard like conditions. It was actually a good run on snow covered streets 18 degrees and 30+ mph winds. The few cars that passed us had to think either to themselves or out loud that those guys are nuts to be out in this stuff, but it was a pretty good run, that stuff makes you appreciate the nice conditions..... We've been in the pool and rode the trainer yesterday for the first time. We're going to get out on the nursery roads this weekend on the cross bikes or the mountain bikes and a run on the trails and maybe take the bikes on the trails too since there's going to be a break in the weather action.

Cav's and Heat on tonight from Miami. This time no LeBron bashing from the Cleveland fans, just a self predicted Cav's ass kickin from LBJ and his supporting crew. Maybe I'll be able to make it til halftime at least.

Stay warm.

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