
Greater Cleveland Triathlon

It has been great weather for months, calm winds, no rain, warm to hot temperatures, nice summer weather so to speak, that is until race day for the GTC. Actually this is typical for this race, especially the winds which see to whip up the night before and the morning of the race. They were calling for nasty weather for a week out from this event and "they" were right. Mickey ended up shortening the swim's due to the high waves for safety reason's and everyone was good with that.

The races went off on time and the battle of the day was with the elements more so than each other. The humidity was off the charts at like 90% which made the runs hard since there isn't much shade on the run course. I never do well in conditions like these and this race was no exception. Even though I finished 1st in my age group and 6th overall I felt like I had a sub par race and I know it was due to the wind and the humidity, but it's still great to be out there racing and I know everyone felt the same.

Mickey did a great job once again with this race and I have much respect for him for all that he does.
Keep up the great job buddy.

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